Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Where’s Your Energy? 3D 5D or Both?

5d living energy video May 22, 2018

Where’s Your Energy? 3D 5D or Both?

- by Jenn Royster

Have you been feeling the shift in energy recently? There's some interesting experiences happening all around and I have had a few myself. I've been hearing from others that they too, are feeling the back and forth sensation of being in 3D (3rd dimension) and then jump to 5D (5th dimension) reality. 

My curiosity drives me to research and dig deeper for insights into where we are in the ascension energies. There's a lot out there on all of this and that's what we focused on in the May 17th broadcast. (Full episode posted below.)

According to quantum physics, different dimensions exist simultaneously. I know I have had several occurrences of being in a 5D mindset but walking among a 3D setting.

The theory goes, that you if you resonate at a 5D frequency and reality, you can also tap into any other lower frequency such as 3D. Meaning we can only connect to our highest resonating frequency and below.

Yes, you can raise and lower ...

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Angel Insights: Taurus New Moon and Accepting Change

Angel Insights: Taurus New Moon and Accepting Change

- by Jenn Royster

Accepting change for most of us, has got to be one of the most difficult things we go through in the human experience. But the fact remains, many of us resist the unknown territory.

This Taurus new moon on May 15th drives this point home and can actually help us with life changes. We're all going our own unique experience with change, but I found this energy to be quite refreshing as it rolled in with the new moon. 

Why? Because a new perspective will be easier to see and this helps us gain insight and the bigger picture. We have at any given point opportunity to shift out of the old way of doing just everything in our lives.  

I went over the details of what I discovered about this Taurus new moon and accepting change in the May 10 broadcast. You can watch the full episode below. 

I share angel insights in this episode and yes, we are still talking about good news for May 2018.

It’s all in how we deal with c...

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Good News: Angel Guidance for May 2018

Angel Guidance for May 2018

Good News: Optimistic Energy and a Sigh of Relief

- by Jenn Royster

May 2018 is loaded with fabulous energy. In the May 3rd live broadcast, I shared the angel guidance I received for the month. This not only inspires us and lifts our hearts, but also wakes up the momentum we need to move forward.

The energy is optimistic and a sigh of relief from what we've been feeling in the past month or few months for some. However, it's not a month to sit around and do nothing.  This month brings active relief. Infused with exhilarating energy to motivate you. Delays, obstacles or hesitations fade away.

It will also be much easier to see a positive viewpoint and know which direction you want to take dreams and manifesting for the future. Personal or career, this month brings exhilarating energy to your plans.

The angels brought insights in how we can best tap into this positive vibe and sail through this month. Archangel Michael came through regarding creative pro...

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Tips and How to's: Spiritual Awakening Signs and Ascension Symptoms


Tips and How to's: Spiritual Awakening Signs and Ascension Symptoms

Ease Gracefully into this Extraordinary Experience

- by Jenn Royster

The spiritual awakening experience is unique to everyone. In the April 19th live broadcast I shared how to recognize the signs, tips on how to ease the symptoms and  move gracefully through this event. It feels so personal yet it's happening all over the globe as many more begin to open their eyes. 

It's really an energy healing experience on a much larger scale. Energy healing where we take responsibility for our own healing. We are the healer of our lives. An empowering event that changes our lives for the better. 

I love the old saying:

We are human beings, not human doings.  

When we accept the path to spiritual awakening, we begin the journey of learning a new way of BEING a better human everyday. Why? Because at the core of who we truly are is a spiritual being living in a physical human reality. 

When spiritual awakening begins to take...

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Who is Archangel Haniel? Intuitive Skills and Moon Cycles

Who is Archangel Haniel?

Intuitive Skills and Moon Cycles

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Haniel also known as Anael is associated with the energy of moon cycles, intuitive skills and healing. Haniel's name means grace of God and that's exactly what I experience whenever I work with this beautiful angel.

Haniel brings much to the table. Known in ancient times to be associated with astrology, divination and spiritual healing. There's much we can learn working with this angel. 

The recent New Moon in Aries on April 15, 2018  arrived with powerful energy as mercury went direct. Making this an interesting  time for big changes and life balance.  A theme which is proving to be a priority through the month of April. 

Archangel Haniel is a wonderful angel to work with when you are sensitive to the moon cycles and /or working with your intuitive skills. There is a graceful energy that simply settles you in for the journey inward. Fear fades away as you open up to the gifts of your inner wisd...

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How to Balance Your Life: Angel Guidance

How to Balance Your Life

 Angel Guidance 

- by Jenn Royster

Life balance is the focus for the month of April in all ways. Mind, body and soul balance. This energy that arrived with the recent blue moon on March 31st encourages us to ground into the present moment.

I asked the angels for insights on how we can best move through this for positive results. I share these key points and the angel messages I received on how to balance our life and how important this month will be for all of us in the video below.


April's balancing act does have purpose to help us ascend gracefully. There is a sigh of relief coming as we sort it all out. We have opportunity to rid ourselves of those energies that hold us back. We have opportunity to stand in our Truth. 

Taking time to balance your life now will be most beneficial to you as you create your new future. The higher your frequency resonates, the less you will want to carry around that old energy. It will feel heavier the higher yo...

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Libra Blue Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde Effects

Libra Blue Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde Effects

Angel Guidance on How to Release Challenging Emotions and Fears

- by Jenn Royster

We have a Full Blue Moon March 31, 2018 right on top of the current Mercury Retrograde. I spent time with the angels for insights into this energy and the effect it brings to us. I share their insights in the video posted below. 

Indeed this will be potent energy for healing and releasing emotional baggage and fears. This blue moon comes in Libra. Time to balance the scales of our inner self. The subconscious will be the focus. 

The angels have brought me much comfort in trying times. They have always lifted me in my darkest hour. The place deep in the subconscious where we hold onto exactly what we are trying to get rid of. 

The angel guidance in this video focuses on working through challenging emotions and fears. This brings opportunity to finally remove those obstacles that hold your back from living your dream.


It’s getting real folks an...

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How to Redirect Your Energy for Success in a Mercury Retrograde

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2018

How to Redirect Your Energy for Success in a Mercury Retrograde

Angel Messages on How to Navigate Through

- by Jenn Royster

In this video I share angel insights on the current Mercury Retrograde and how to navigate this energy for a positive shift. I won't mix words here as we did plenty of that in the live broadcast. Had to find the humor in all the technology interference! After all, isn't that the reputation of a mercury retrograde?

It’s the best time to review and revise anything your want to manifest. A gift that comes around 3 to 4 times a times a year and lasts approx. 3 weeks each cycle.

Learn how to work with this energy to focus your intention on positive life changes. Step out of your comfort zone and redirect your energy flow for manifesting what you DO want. Time to live the best version of you.

​​​​​​​Regardless, the energy has been swift and fast paced and continues to delivers profound opportunities for positive changes. This retrograde is no different. When used ...

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Archangel Uriel: Manifesting and Your Third Chakra

Uncategorized Mar 13, 2018

Archangel Uriel: Manifesting and Your Third Chakra

How your solar plexus chakra is linked to your manifesting skills. 

- Jenn Royster

Archangel Uriel came through twice in the first week of March with a message on manifesting. Our third chakra, also called the solar plexus chakra plays a very important role in how we manifest our reality. 

First of all, the third chakra is our power center housing the personality, self esteem, confidence and much more. The biggest question that comes up here is, who holds your power? You or someone/ something else? 

Self empowerment is where happiness will shine through living the life you came here to live. We all want to live the happy life, but how can we create this when fear, negative thinking or self criticizing thoughts overwhelm us? 

The encouragement and motivation I felt when listening to archangel Uriel's guidance was exactly what I needed in the moment. I couldn't wait to share this message with all of you. 

Whether or not you believ...

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Angel Guidance for March 2018

Angel Guidance for March 2018

- by Jenn Royster

Angel guidance for March and the energy of the full moon rolls in to get things rolling. That means emotions will be on one side or the other and not so much in-between with this one. You may feel elated with joy or just the opposite. 

If you are one that's feel a bit glum these days. Take note, there is a positive note here. Feelings and emotions are purging from you. You do feel it when it comes to the surface but then it passes. It's all part of the healing process of deep buried energy within. 

This is a highly charged month with energy that brings great insight, motivation and confidence to choose a path. The fog continues to lift where you need to see clearly. Practical decisions and a new perspective come to light. Your confidence builds making choices on your new path much easier.

I asked the angels for insights and what I could pass along to you for the month of March. Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Jophiel came through. I ...

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