Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Communication and Creative Benefits of Mercury Retrograde

Communication and Creative Benefits of Mercury Retrograde

Archangel Gabriel Insights

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode, Archangel Gabriel brings a focus on the positive aspects of a Mercury Retrograde. There are benefits to be celebrated under this energy.
Gabriel can help you with creative projects and all types of communications. This final Mercury Retrograde of 2019 falls on October 31st. There’s also an emphasis on intuitive communication skills.

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Aries Full Moon: Archangel Michael - Be Fearless Be Free

Aries Full Moon

Archangel Michael - Be Fearless Be Free

-by Jenn Royster

Archangel Michael says, “Be fearless, be free.” The upcoming Aries Full Moon energy for October 2019 delivers. Bring it on!
There’s motivation to cut the cords and break the chains that hold you back. It’s time to move forward and remove whatever has been blocking our progress forward.
When we honor our Truth, we feel a sigh of relief coming from an act of Love when we unlock our self imposed barriers.

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Angel Messages: October 2019

Angel Messages: October 2019

 -by Jenn Royster

The angels brings messages and encouragement as we move through October. It’s time to level up yet again and acknowledge how strong we truly are. Everything we send out into the world reflects back to us. Leveling up fine tunes everything we send and receive!
The month of October may feel challenging at times, but it also comes with a bounty of gifts for the soul. Amazing accomplishments can be achieved under this energy. Are you ready?

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Angel Guidance: Libra New Super Moon

Angel Guidance: Libra New Super Moon

- by Jenn Royster

The angels bring guidance and uplifting messages on healing, transformation and manifesting opportunities. This Libra Super New moon arrives on September 28th and brings all three.

Archangel Raguel is a wonderful angel to work with under this energy. Raguel is the angel of justice and balancing the scales. This angel focuses on bringing harmonious solutions to relationship challenges. This includes the relationship with yourself.  

Super moons are said have stronger effects. This new moon brings a lot of potential for spiritual growth and healing. Arriving close to the equinox brings transformative energy. 

Manifesting energy is strong with this new moon. What do you want to bring into your life? There is opportunity to create a new way in our lives after all the healing and transformative changes taking place within us.

Every healing and releasment opens up space to manifest something new. It's a give...

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Archangel Haniel: Spiritual Awakening Intuition Inner Truth

Archangel Haniel: Spiritual Awakening Intuition Inner Truth

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Haniel is the angel of joy, love and passion for life. Haniel’s name means “Grace of God” She resonates a feminine energy that nurtures and supports us in any challenge.
Spiritual awakening is on the rise and sheds light on inner truths we never saw before. Our intuition wakes up, we feel the shift physically and emotionally as we heal, release and make new life choices.
Connecting with Archangel Haniel is a beautiful uplifting experience when we are adjusting to a new higher frequency of living.

This episode includes a guided meditation with Archangel Haniel. 

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Angel Messages: September 2019

angels astrology video Aug 30, 2019

Angel Messages: September 2019

-by Jenn Royster

Angel messages on August 30 New Moon and the month of September 2019.  Harmony in action is what Virgo New Moon brings to September. Priorities take shape to organize life essentials.

Reflecting on who, what and where we spend our time and energy connects us with our inner truth. Do adjustments need to be made? Now is the time to just BE present. Focused intention clarifies where we need to bring harmony to our lives. 

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Angel Messages: Aquarius Full Moon

Angel Messages: Aquarius Full Moon 

- by Jenn Royster

Aquarius teaches us how to carry the water, not the burden of it. 

In this episode, the angels brings messages on the Aquarius Full moon that arrives on August 15 2019. Aquarius is known as the water bearer. The healer that carries the burdens, the emotions and the pain in the world without being weighed down by it all.

How is this possible? Can we truly be a beacon of Love and Light in the world without the overwhelm and emotional drain?

This full moon in Aquarius sheds light on how to send love and hope into this world while simultaneously raising our own vibration to Higher Consciousness. 

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Angel Messages: Abundance Number 8 Vibrations

Abundance: Number 8 Vibrations

Angel Messages for August 2019

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode the angels bring messages for the month of August 2019. This month carries the vibration of the number 8. There’s a lighter brighter energy arriving. Abundance flows in all ways. Hopefulness fills the air with infinite possibilities for everyone.

The lions gate is open June 26th-Aug 12th. This portal peaks on 8/8 bringing opportunity to honor your spiritual gifts and tune into higher realms of consciousness. I have personally felt a beautiful uplifting energy that just stays with me after meditation. I explain more about this and how in this video. 

Watch the full episode below.

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Angel Messages: Leo Super New Moon Lead with Your Heart

Angel Messages: Lead with Your Heart

Leo Super New Moon 

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode, I share angel messages that inspire you to tap into your inner wisdom for making the best choices for yourself. We have a black super new moon in Leo arriving July 31st (Aug 1st for some) that will boost your efforts to take charge and lead your life with your heart.

Our heart knows what’s best for us. Do we trust it? Do we listen? Do we take the time to respect, honor and take action on choices that are aligned with our heart’s passion?

Archangels Michael and Raphael are the perfect duo to work with when you are moving through major life changes. They both bring a calm, yet assertive mix of guidance when we need to trust in ourselves to make better choices that support us. I share insights I received from both of them that brings comfort and strength just when we need it. 

The best choices come from the heart. We have what it takes. We just need to trust ourselves...

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Angel Insights: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - What Motivates You?

Angel Insights: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

 What Motivates You?

- by Jenn Royster

The angels are supportive with insights as we explore to find what motivates us. 

A full moon partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn arrives July 16, 2019. This will be one of the most transformative celestial events of the year. Worth the effort to explore the possibilities, expand our mind to reach higher, see further and go deeper for answers.

Full moons are always about releasing, eclipses push the event further than we're used to going. This Capricorn event stretches us for expansion beyond our comfort zone.

Time to soar, time to grow, time for self-discovery in what motivates us. Watch the full episode below. 

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