Angel Messages: Leo Super New Moon Lead with Your Heart

Angel Messages: Lead with Your Heart

Leo Super New Moon 

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode, I share angel messages that inspire you to tap into your inner wisdom for making the best choices for yourself. We have a black super new moon in Leo arriving July 31st (Aug 1st for some) that will boost your efforts to take charge and lead your life with your heart.

Our heart knows what’s best for us. Do we trust it? Do we listen? Do we take the time to respect, honor and take action on choices that are aligned with our heart’s passion?

Archangels Michael and Raphael are the perfect duo to work with when you are moving through major life changes. They both bring a calm, yet assertive mix of guidance when we need to trust in ourselves to make better choices that support us. I share insights I received from both of them that brings comfort and strength just when we need it. 

The best choices come from the heart. We have what it takes. We just need to trust ourselves and honor our inner wisdom.

Watch the full episode below. 
