Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Balancing Act and New Perspectives

Balancing Act and New Perspectives

-by Jenn Royster

We are in the midst of a balancing act. The new moon in Libra arrived October 19, 2017. This moon's energy is all about inner balance and perspective. How do we see our outer world? This is important as we are being urged by the universe to take a peak from a new fresh perspective.

Why? Because from a metaphysical point of view our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. So if things are not where you'd like them to be. Taking a look into your inner world can make all the difference moving forward.

This especially rings true for those in the process of big life changes. Many of us are going some sort of change these days. With that in mind, we explored this new moon's energy and the opportunities it offers in theĀ Oct 19th liveĀ broadcast. (watch full episode below)

Of course, weĀ checked in with the angels for their insights and guidance on this matter. They always bring out the best perspective and positive vibes to help u...

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Metaphysics: Explore the Energy Behind Everything

Metaphysics: Explore the Energy Behind Everything

-by Jenn Royster

Metaphysics is based on the energy behind everything. The root cause of imbalances in health, happiness and yes even prosperity. There's a bright side to this. It's also the root cause of healthy living, true happiness and positive aspects unlimited. So how do we align with the bright side?

Our energy is everything and it matters! So with that perspective, we'll explore how important it is to make our energy a priority. This is important for everyone. Those on the spiritual awakening path will especially be feeling this one.

In the Oct. 12th Live broadcast (full video archive posted below), we explored this and a few tips to help you on your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. Including how to balance the overload we feel in the world. Releasing dense energy that affects our health, emotions and everything in between. Then embracing and aligning to higher positive frequencies that support a healthy lifesty...

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