Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Balancing Act and New Perspectives

Balancing Act and New Perspectives

-by Jenn Royster

We are in the midst of a balancing act. The new moon in Libra arrived October 19, 2017. This moon's energy is all about inner balance and perspective. How do we see our outer world? This is important as we are being urged by the universe to take a peak from a new fresh perspective.

Why? Because from a metaphysical point of view our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. So if things are not where you'd like them to be. Taking a look into your inner world can make all the difference moving forward.

This especially rings true for those in the process of big life changes. Many of us are going some sort of change these days. With that in mind, we explored this new moon's energy and the opportunities it offers in the Oct 19th live broadcast. (watch full episode below)

Of course, we checked in with the angels for their insights and guidance on this matter. They always bring out the best perspective and positive...

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The Meaning of Angel Number 1010

The Meaning of Angel Number 1010

-by Jenn Royster

The angel numbers 1010 have been showing up quite frequently around here. Are you seeing angel numbers 1010 or another repetitive number sequence?

Yes, this is the same binary code we see related to computers, but I am speaking of the spiritual meaning, specifically angelic number meaning in messages they send to us.

The angel numbers 1010 are interesting. In a nutshell, here's a summary of the meaning:

Number one means new beginnings, a fresh start, achievement, optimism, insight, intuition and manifesting linked to our ideas and actions. This is doubled so that means double the power.

Number zero means Divine energy, unity, timelessness and to continue on. When the zero accompanies any number, it increases the power of that number so in this case it's behind the number one doubled! Whoa talk about powerful positive new beginnings.

Angel Number 1010 means that by listening to your inner voice and feelings, you will achieve your...

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