Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics
- by Jenn Royster
Affirmation: I am ready to receive the blessings the universe has to offer.
Angel insights on this interesting peek into the next 12 months with Jupiter in Taurus. Beginning May 16 2023 Jupiter moves into Taurus and will remain until May 26, 2024.
Jupiter is know as the planet of expansion and abundance (Law of Attraction) in whatever area it activates in our lives for the next 12 months.
Good questions to ask yourself:
Jupiter in Taurus also relates to pleasure, fun, romance and finances. While Jupiter hangs out in Taurus, it will also make two other significant alignments.
First, as it enters Taurus it will conjunct with the north node which represents our collective destiny and where we are headed. We will feel this energy the most during May-June 2023.
Second, Jupiter will enter a conjunct with Uranus at the end of its journey o...
- Jenn Royster
In this episode, we ask the angels for insights on the Aries New Moon arriving March 31- April 1, 2022. One of the best opportunities to begin a new chapter in our lives with a fresh new start. Setting your intentions for what you want to manifest is favored. In other words, a new beginning with a clean slate is offered.
This is a great time to ask yourself, what do I want to start? What direction do I want to take? What seeds do I want to plant for my future? This New Moon is all about setting intentions, taking action and manifesting a new path for what you want to bring into your life.
Chiron is also showing a strong presence under this moon. Known as the wounded healer helps us find strength and wisdom within our deeper wounds which opens doorways for healing.
- by Jenn Royster
Affirmation: I align my inner thoughts and feelings to manifest healing, happiness and success in my life. In turn, I attract healthy relationships, opportunities and harmony with others.
The Law of Attraction and manifesting take center stage. The spiritual meaning according to numerology for the number two is magnified in February 2022.Â
In this episode, we’ll take a deeper dive in the meaning of number two in numerology and how we can work in harmony with the universe and the spiritual Law of Attraction.
If numbers are considered to be the keys to the universe, could this be why we may be drawn to certain numbers or see particular number sequences repeatedly?
Number 2 in numerology, represents working with others, the relationships between our inner and outer worlds and duality. Number 2 repeating six times  222222 is a significant power number for manifesting.
We are reminded we are part of the univers...
- by Jenn Royster
Affirmation: I focus my thoughts with intention on what I want to manifest.
In this episode we’ll ask the angels for insights into the last full moon of 2021. This moon illuminates a dual perspective. Gemini represents the twins and suggests we take a look at everything from a spiritual and human experience. Seeing both perspectives will offer a clear guide on our next steps.
Jupiter the planet of abundance and expansion will be active during this full moon. This brings optimism, creative thinking and possibility to everything we focus on.
We are reminded that full moons illuminate the answers we seek while casting off what needs to fall away. Together with Jupiter’s abundant and expansive energy the universe offers us encouraging support to help us focus our energy where we want to move forward into the New Year 2022.Â
Join us for Live shows on Thursdays at 11am Eastern. Visit Jenn Royster Show Page for u...
- by Jenn Royster
Affirmation: I am safe and ready to makes the changes that will support me moving forward. - Jenn Royster
In astrology, major energy shifts arrive in October 2021 setting us on a course of take action and make changes.Â
In this episode, we ask the angels for guidance as we explore several key points. Angels remind us there is always a positive perspective to life. They support us when the faucet of so much energy is flowing full force so we are not swept away emotionally. Angels have a way of bringing just the guidance we need to stay grounded, focused and productive.
We begin the month with six planets in retrograde and end the month with only two. This means a lot of forward momentum energy coming together to push us forward after all the slow down and reflective time. The October full moon brings strong transformative energy as well.
Overall, October energy carries a lot of punch that cou...
- by Jenn Royster
Affirmation:Â Â I focus my intentions and believe. I am loved and appreciated by those around me.
Intention matters in relationships. With the new moon in Leo coinciding with the lion’s gate on August 8th, we have a lot to look forward to. This is a power day for manifesting, higher frequencies, healing, spiritual connections and love.
New beginnings and opportunities are plentiful for those who are ready to take a chance. We will also be working on overcoming obstacles and bringing in the best for our relationships.
We are offered messages from the spiritual world daily and it’s up to us to listen. Angel messages offer guidance and insight on how to make our intentions count in our relationships. We’ll be checking with the angels during this episode for their insights.
The first step in manifesting with the law of attraction begins with intentions. Our lives are filled w...
- by Jenn Royster
Affirmation: I AM setting my intentions for success. I lead with my heart fearlessly.
 A time to set your intentions for a new chapter begins with July 2021 New Moon in Cancer. We’ve been shown through the recent eclipse season what needs a rebirthing.
Now it’s time to heal, refresh and begin a new chapter in our lives. This moon also shows the presence of Chiron, known as the wounded healer. This helps us ease into healing to release old deeper wounds.
The sign of Cancer is associated with the crab. Representing our tender sensitive inner self and the hard outer shell protective of all we hold dear. Time to lead and make choices from the heart verses fear.
Take time under this new moon to connect with your fearless inner warrior.
Ask yourself:
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- by Jenn Royster
AFFIRMATION:Â I AM focused on a positive mindset. I expand my mind to see the possibilities.
Archangel Gabriel is the angel of communications, creativity and innovation. This angel also encourages us to view life from a different perspective to see the bigger picture.
Gemini Season arrives May 20, 2021 and Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter all go retrograde. There’s also a super moon lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse. Opportunity to level up your law of attraction skills presents.
These alignments deliver energy for reflection in several areas of life, soul growth opportunities, unexpected change and renewal all have potential to show up. Innovation and creativity are highlighted.
A focus on the here and now is beneficial with excursions to expand your mind for deeper meaning and insights. Connecting with higher realms will be easier. There is wisdom to be found in both as represented by the Gemini tw...
- by Jenn Royster
Affirmation: I let go and embrace change. Now I see new opportunities to explore and so it is…
DESCRIPTION: May 2021 energy arrives with the potential for challenging energy. However, rewards are riding in on the coat tail.
In this episode we’ll take a look at the astrological line ups in May and ask the angels for insights on how to best navigate for the best outcome.
May is a pivotal month in 2021. Highlights include the first rare blood moon eclipse since 2019 and Jupiter moves into Pisces for the first time since 2009.
Unexpected endings may present themselves with the blood moon eclipse but offer soul growth opportunities to level up.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance. Open your eyes to the possibilities of your gifts and talents.
Focus on letting go of what falls away and going with the flow of expanding your horizons.
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- by Jenn Royster
Affirmation:Â I choose to focus on what I DO want in gratitude. - Jenn Royster
Angel insights on Aquarius New moon draw our attention to what we choose to focus on. This new moon activates the Aquarius stellium. A highly charged energy that expands where we choose to focus our intentions. This is manifesting energy amplified. Law of attraction intensified.
A new moon is always about new beginnings. This one arrives with an extra boost. What will you choose to focus on?Â
Time to get organized and manifest what we DO want. Are you new to the concepts of Law of Attraction? Now’s a good time to start learning the value it can bring to your life.
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