Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

The Meaning of 1111: Explore the Possibilities

The Meaning of 1111

Explore the Possibilities

-by Jenn Royster

Ready to explore the possibilities? The energy of November is all about seeing everything with fresh new eyes. That is, if we're willing to open them. The month has a theme of 1111 energy running through it as well.

It’s bountiful in every way. November is a powerhouse month of 1111 energy and then some. Big changes are here and our spirit awakens with fresh new eyes. But, what if, we’re afraid to open our eyes and see? This month is loaded with possibilities, but, we do have to choose to accept them. 

I called on Archangel Michael for insights into the month of November and what it holds for all of us. There is bountiful energy flowing in, but we need to choose to accept it into our experience. I shared this and much more about the energy, the possibilities and the bigger picture in the Nov 09, 2017 live broadcast . (Watch the full episode archive below.)

AA Michael guides us to explore...

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Balancing Act and New Perspectives

Balancing Act and New Perspectives

-by Jenn Royster

We are in the midst of a balancing act. The new moon in Libra arrived October 19, 2017. This moon's energy is all about inner balance and perspective. How do we see our outer world? This is important as we are being urged by the universe to take a peak from a new fresh perspective.

Why? Because from a metaphysical point of view our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. So if things are not where you'd like them to be. Taking a look into your inner world can make all the difference moving forward.

This especially rings true for those in the process of big life changes. Many of us are going some sort of change these days. With that in mind, we explored this new moon's energy and the opportunities it offers in the Oct 19th live broadcast. (watch full episode below)

Of course, we checked in with the angels for their insights and guidance on this matter. They always bring out the best perspective and positive...

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