Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Heart Chakra Healing: Taurus Full Moon Eclipse


Heart Chakra Healing

Taurus Full Moon Eclipse 

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I am healing my heart in every way, everyday.

The heart chakra (4th chakra) processes our emotions, heart centered choices, our relationships with others and ourselves. A Taurus full moon partial eclipse arrives on Nov 19, 2021. The energy focuses on heart centered matters. Where does self care fit into this mix or do we feel the nudge to fit self care into our daily routine?

Energy healing is known for clearing toxic energy and renewing with positive healing energy. It also has a lot to do with how we are aligned with frequency. Are we aligned with the beat of our own heart?

This eclipse energy gives us opportunity to align our heart energy. Not just with your own heart frequency but also with earth’s heart frequency.

Watch full episode for more insights on healing your heart chakra. There's also a guided visualization at the 45:00 min mark to help you focus your energy for...

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Archangel Gabriel: Mercury Retrograde in Air Signs


Archangel Gabriel

Mercury Retrograde in Air Signs

- by Jenn Royster

AFFIRMATION: I listen, respect and communicate clearly with others.

Archangel Gabriel is the angel of communications, creativity and seeing the bigger picture. Obviously, this is the angel for sorting out how we communicate, express ourselves and listen to others.

On September 26th we will enter the last Mercury Retrograde for the year 2021. This will be in the air sign of Libra and lasts until October 18th.

Mercury loves airs signs, therefore, this intensifies the energy of this retrograde. The throat chakra is the energy power center that processes how we express ourselves to the world and listen.

Could we do better? This is the perfect time to do some throat chakra (aka 5th Chakra) clearing and balancing. We’ll go over how to determine if your throat chakra is balanced or blocked and how to clear the energy if needed.

Watch the full episode here in this post. (no ads) 

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Angel Connections Through Sixth Chakra Activation

angels chakras video Sep 23, 2020

Angel Connections

Through Sixth Chakra Activation

- by Jenn Royster

A healthy and open sixth chakra  (also known as the third eye) is the doorway to Divine communications bridging the gap between our soul and the universe. In this episode we explore how to heal and activate your sixth chakra.  
When we support our sixth chakra we strengthen and trust our intuition and are able to connect with the angels and other dimensions.

Watch this episode:

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Archangel Raguel: Balance Your Heart Chakra

Archangel Raguel

Balance Your Heart Chakra

- by Jenn Royster

Explore how to heal your heart chakra with the help of archangel Raguel. This angel's name means friend of God.

Raguel's primary focus is balance, harmony and fairness for all. This angel is also wonderful to work with when it comes to personal life balance. 

There's also the emotional overload that can happen when we are going through a spiritual awakening or major life changes. Especially in our relationships. Some may be challenged to make changes. This is all processed through our heart chakra. 

The month of October is puling all of this to the surface for healing and taking it to a new level consciousness. Venus retrograde is especially tugging at the heart strings to reveal where we are missing out on a joyful life. 

Archangel Raguel can help you find balance, along with Archangel Chamuel who brings the peaceful calm.(we discussed Chamuel in last week's episode). We have support for for...

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Angel Guidance for March 2018

Angel Guidance for March 2018

- by Jenn Royster

Angel guidance for March and the energy of the full moon rolls in to get things rolling. That means emotions will be on one side or the other and not so much in-between with this one. You may feel elated with joy or just the opposite. 

If you are one that's feel a bit glum these days. Take note, there is a positive note here. Feelings and emotions are purging from you. You do feel it when it comes to the surface but then it passes. It's all part of the healing process of deep buried energy within. 

This is a highly charged month with energy that brings great insight, motivation and confidence to choose a path. The fog continues to lift where you need to see clearly. Practical decisions and a new perspective come to light. Your confidence builds making choices on your new path much easier.

I asked the angels for insights and what I could pass along to you for the month of March. Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Jophiel came...

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How to Clear Your Throat Chakra: Archangel Gabriel

How to Clear Your Throat Chakra

with Archangel Gabriel

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Gabriel brings a message to express yourself this week. We're going to be focusing on the throat chakra (aka 5th Chakra). 

Archangel Gabriel is the angel of communication and creativity.

Her name means "God as my strength" and is known for helping both parents and children. She is also known to help those with a life purpose in communication and art.

This is why Gabriel is wonderful to work with for everyone pursuing a new way of life. Which we are all doing at the moment. 

If this resonates with you... then you're busy creating, designing and/or redesigning your path. Your days are filled with learning a massive amount of new information.

The throat chakra is key in your delivery of whatever you're creating. Not just speaking, but your voice can be heard through how your present yourself to the world. Do they see the real you?

We focused on clearing our throat chakras  in the...

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Angel Messages: Our Sacral Chakra is Waking Up

Angel Messages:

Our Sacral Chakra is Waking Up

- by Jenn Royster

I've had quite the insightful week and much has come through to share with you. It's quite the lineup of messages I received from Archangel Zadkiel and Gabriel regarding what we are all feeling out there. 

Our Sacral Chakra (second chakra) is going through a major upgrade (or wake up). I've been quite fascinated by how all the information was coming together. The validations, the confirmations, the angel messages, etc... that the Divine was completely there for us in every way. 

The Sacral Chakra (Second Chakra) is all about processing the energies of our emotions, creativity and sensuality. It’s also associated with the element of water. December energies are activating the sacral chakra for it’s time to get busy manifesting into the New Year 2018.

I shared the messages I received from Archangels Gabriel and Zadkiel on the current wake up call happening within our sacral...

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