Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

September 2020 Angel Insights: Protection for Big Transitions

September 2020 Angel Insights

Protection for Big Transitions

- by Jenn Royster

September 2020 arrives with strong energetic patterns. We’ll check in with Archangels Michael, Haniel, Chamuel and Raguel for insights on September’s forecast through astrology, numerology and the tarot.
Although the universe brings strong astrological alignments for transformation, it also offers protection and support for positive change and spiritual growth.
We begin the process of wrapping up all the transitions we have underway for the year 2020.

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Live show airs on Thursday at 11am Eastern.

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Archangel Haniel: Awakening Energy Pisces Full Moon

angels astrology podcast video Aug 26, 2020

Archangel Haniel

Awakening Energy and Pisces Full Moon

- Jenn Royster

Archangel Haniel is associated with moon energy. This angel brings grace and poise to any situation. AA Haniel offers support with psychic abilities and working with the moon energy.
Pisces also brings energy for spiritual awakening and an easier connection with higher dimensions. Pisces full moon offers a deeper awakening to see clearly.
Working with Archangel Haniel and Pisces moon energy is the perfect combination for September 2020 full moon. The benefit is confidence in the choices we make moving forward.

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Angel Insights: Virgo Season Brings Major Planetary Alignments

angels astrology podcast video Aug 19, 2020

Angel Insights: Virgo Season

Brings Major Planetary Alignments

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode, we ask the angels for insights into Virgo season 2020. There’s also several major planetary alignments arriving in the next few weeks.
We are reminded to connect with our inner compass to find the answers we seek. Second guessing choices we made in the past often fill us with regret. There’s a gift here that Virgo season brings us. We are whole and complete when we listen and trust our inner wisdom.

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Angel Insights: Leo New Moon Uranus Retrograde and Mars Pluto Align

angels astrology podcast video Aug 12, 2020

Angel Insights: Leo New Moon

Uranus Retrograde and Mars Pluto Align

The courage to strive for progress, not perfection builds inner strength to overcome anything.

- Jenn Royster

In this episode, Angel insights on August 2020 new moon in Leo, Uranus retrograde and the Mars Pluto Square alignment. We’ll take a peek at several highlighted points for all three of these energies.

Then we’ll ask the angels for insights on how we can overcome setbacks the year 2020 has thrown at us, and how can we make the most of the last remaining months of 2020.

  •  August 13th  Mars-Pluto aligns square. This is the first of three times this year this will happen. Significant to take notice since this normally only happens ONCE a year!

  •  August 15th, Uranus the plant of spiritual awakening, great change and liberation goes retrograde until January 14, 2021. (Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026)

  •  August 18th we have a Leo new moon. A strong solar energy reminding us...

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Angel Insights August 2020: Aquarius Full Moon

angels astrology podcast video Jul 29, 2020

Angel Insights August 2020 

Aquarius Full Moon

- by Jenn Royster

A go with flow vibe for smooth life transitions.

As we take a peek into angel insights for August 2020,  a few points of interest are highlighted. We’ll find a variety of energy to move us along our journey. From shaking things up we need to release and finding our way to allow things to unfold.

We’ll also sense a smooth shift that rejuvenates us before moving into the last four months of the year. This Aquarius full moon is a cleansing moon and and opportune time to finally clear out old energies that are standing in the way.

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Angel Insights: The Meaning of Comet Neowise

angels astrology podcast video Jul 22, 2020

Angel Insights: The Meaning of Comet Neowise

- by Jenn Royster

A new comet was discovered on March 27, 2020. Named after the telescope that spotted it, Neowise and will make its closest approach to earth on July 23, 2020.

We’ll explore the meaning of comets in astrology and ask the angels for insights on the meaning of Neowise and the energies at play. This is a rare once in a lifetime event due to the fact that Neowise has an orbit of 6800 years!

The year 2020 has brought us powerful transformative energies nonstop. What will this comet bring?

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According to the sky chart posted on Nasa website, it is visible just after sunset between July 15- July 23, 2020. It will be closest to earth on July 23, 2020.

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Angel Insights on New Moon: Align with Your Soul verses Struggle

angels astrology podcast video Jul 15, 2020

Angel Insights on New Moon

Align with Your Soul verses Struggle

- by Jenn Royster

Angel insights on the July 2020 New Moon in the sign of Cancer brings us to reflect on how we approach everything in life. Are we aligning with our soul or struggling and working harder than ever before?

The year 2020 has been a profound transformative year. We are constantly finding ourselves out of the comfort zone. Aligning verses struggling. What would you rather experience? This energy motivates us to find a better way in everything we set our intentions on.

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Angel Guidance for July 2020

Angel Guidance for July 2020 

- by Jenn Royster

The angels bring guidance for July 2020. This month starts off with the final eclipse of the season on July 4-5 which will wrap up what we’ve been working on since 2018.
Life will begin to settle and feel calmer. 2020 has been a major transformative year and now July brings the energy to rejuvenate.

A time to recharge ourselves, detox and feel lighter. After all, we’ve been busy this year. This prepares us for the last part of the year when things begin to ramp up in September. Choose wisely and make the most of this restful opportunity.

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Angel Insights on Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Angel Insights on Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

 Spiritual Awareness and Law of Attraction

- by Jenn Royster

Angel insights bring our attention to spiritual awareness and the law of attraction. We are reminded that all the power to shift our reality is in our hands.

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces is June 22 - November 29, 2020. Neptune is the planet of illusions, dreams, unconditional love, higher dimensions and wishes.

Neptune retrograde also brings discernment and seeing things the way they truly are. This is helpful when fine tuning our focus on what we want to attract to our lives.

This brings us to a total of 6 planets in retrograde at this time.

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Angel Insights Powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse

Angel Insights

Powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode we explore angel insights and the solar eclipse on June 20-21 2020. In the sign of Cancer, this will be the most powerful eclipse of the year. This marks the dawning of infinite possibilities, a new way of life, a new world, a new everything.

We have felt the growing pains of this new world. Take a moment to be present, take a deep breath and witness all that you’ve been through and how things have changed. Big intentions, big ah ha moments, big changes for the better. It’s time.

Live show airs Thursday at 11am Eastern. Visit show page for more information and check out the episode archives.

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