Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Angel Insights Neptune Energy: Dreams Illusions Higher Consciousness


Angel Insights on Neptune Energy

Dreams Illusions  and Higher Consciousness

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I trust my intuition to see clearly. I listen to all my senses before making decisions.

In this episode, we’ll call on the angels for insights to understand what Neptune energy brings us on March 12 2022. Illusions, dreams and higher consciousness are highlighted.

Neptune energy is creative, and opens a doorway to where our dreams live. A place where we can tap into all of our senses and find higher consciousness. Discover creative ways to bring our dreams to fruition by thinking outside the box for solutions.

Again, we have several number 2’s. Neptune aligns with Pisces at 22 degrees. Together a magnetic time for a deeper journey to work with your intuition, connect with higher consciousness and creative projects.

Listening to your intuition is valuable. Knowing to difference between reality and illusion is important when making decisions. As we find ourselves in the d...

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Law of Attraction 222222 Numerology of Feb 22 2022


Law of Attraction 222222

Numerology of Feb 22 2022

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I align my inner thoughts and feelings to manifest healing, happiness and success in my life. In turn, I attract healthy relationships, opportunities and harmony with others.

The Law of Attraction and manifesting take center stage. The spiritual meaning according to numerology for the number two is magnified in February 2022. 

In this episode, we’ll take a deeper dive in the meaning of number two in numerology and how we can work in harmony with the universe and the spiritual Law of Attraction.

If numbers are considered to be the keys to the universe, could this be why we may be drawn to certain numbers or see particular number sequences repeatedly?

Number 2 in numerology, represents working with others, the relationships between our inner and outer worlds and duality. Number 2 repeating six times  222222 is a significant power number for manifesting.

We are reminded we are part of the univers...

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Feb 2022 Energy Forecast: Set Intentions Start Projects Overcome Challenges


February 2022 Energy Forecast

Set Intentions, Start Projects, Overcome Challenges

- by Jenn Royster

AFFIRMATION: I AM moving forward with intention and take action to accomplish my heart’s desire.

The February 2022 energy forecast (according to astrology) is perfect for setting intentions, starting new projects and overcoming challenges. This energy will support us from mid February to early April.

This is a most opportune time to soak up this supportive energy to take action on what you want to achieve. Whether it’s setting intentions, starting a new project or overcoming a challenge, this energy won’t last forever and it may be a while before we see this line up again.

In this episode, we explore the February 2022 energy and ask the angels for insights on making the most of this blessing from the universe. 

Food for Thought: Never let fear decide your future. Difficulty is worth doing.


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Angel Insights on Last Full Moon in Gemini for 2021


Angel Insights on Last Full Moon in Gemini for 2021 

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I focus my thoughts with intention on what I want to manifest.

In this episode we’ll ask the angels for insights into the last full moon of 2021. This moon illuminates a dual perspective. Gemini represents the twins and suggests we take a look at everything from a spiritual and human experience. Seeing both perspectives will offer a clear guide on our next steps.

Jupiter the planet of abundance and expansion will be active during this full moon. This brings optimism, creative thinking and possibility to everything we focus on.

We are reminded that full moons illuminate the answers we seek while casting off what needs to fall away. Together with Jupiter’s abundant and expansive energy the universe offers us encouraging support to help us focus our energy where we want to move forward into the New Year 2022. 

Join us for Live shows on Thursdays at 11am Eastern. Visit Jenn Royster Show Page for u...

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Aquarius Full Moon: Manifesting Loud and Clear with Archangel Haniel

Aquarius Full Moon

Manifesting Loud and Clear with Archangel Haniel

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I free myself to make necessary changes to live abundantly.

The second of two back to back Aquarius full moons arrives on August 22, 2021. We are coming to a completion point. What was unclear will become loud and clear. This Aquarius energy highlights what is ending and where we need to revolutionize change in our lives.

Archangel Haniel guides us as we work with lunar energies and manifesting. This angel encourages us to trust our intuition and take action. It will become clear what needs releasing to make room for new opportunities.

Jupiter in retrograde is also active under this full moon. The planet of expansion and optimism urges us to come out of our comfort zone to seek new pathways.

Overall, this full moon is coming in strong with innovative thinking to change direction for a better future. The desire for truth and freedom will make it easier to release what ends and s...

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Archangel Haniel Trust Your Intuition: New Moon Solar Eclipse

Archangel Haniel Trust Your Intuition

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I trust my intuition to lead the way into new beginnings. I believe in who I AM and the value I bring to the world. 

Archangel Haniel is associated with moon cycles and intuition. Trusting your intuition will serve you well as we break new ground and travel uncharted territory. We’ve have been walking a fine line between what was and what’s new.

This in-between state comes to an end on June 10, 2021. The new moon solar eclipse in Gemini presents us with a new beginning. Take note of what path has been cleared for you.

Listen to your intuition to see where you’re headed. Group efforts are highlighted to embrace the new. Gemini energy signals that it’s important to trust your instincts. Go slowly and use discernment if something feels off.

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Angel insights: Aries New Moon Manifest New Beginnings with Intention

Angel insights: Aries New Moon

Manifest New Beginnings with Intention

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I embrace the uniqueness of who I AM and manifest the life I desire.

and so it is... - Jenn Royster

In this episode we'll check in with the angels for insights on the Aries new moon that arrives on April 11 2021. (for some of you it may be April 12 depending on your time zone.) This lineup promises to bring heightened inspiration and motivation. They encourage us to focus on the words we speak, the thoughts we linger on and the choices we make.

This moon marks the start of a brand new lunar cycle. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and packed with powerful energy for setting our intentions to manifest new beginnings.

Just the nudge we need to change it up, make different choices, start a new project and turn the page to the next chapter of life.

A fresh blank canvas is offered to us. Time to break out our creative ideas and paint the life we desire. 

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Manifesting with Archangel Haniel on New Moon Cycle

Manifesting with Archangel Haniel on New Moon Cycle

- by Jenn Royster

AFFIRMATION: I align my thoughts with the reality I choose to live.

Archangel Haniel and manifesting go hand in hand. This is a wonderful angel to work with under any new moon cycle. In this episode, we’ll explore how Archangel Haniel can help us with the March 2021 Pisces new moon that arrives March 13th.

The Pisces new moon inspires us to dream big, stay grounded and keep our focus on the life we want to live.

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I love working with Archangel Haniel for manifesting on a new moon.  This angel brings an energy that inspires us to dream big and shoot for the stars. Perfect line up for manifesting your dreams into reality. 

AA Haniel is known as the angel of joy and is associated with lunar cycles, intuition and psychic abilities. All angels are eager to assist us anytime and AA Haniel is ready to help you with your manifesting skills. 

No matter how big or how small your request to the unive...

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Angel Insights: Peaceful Energy Arrives with Virgo Full Moon Feb 2021

Angel Insights: Peaceful Energy Arrives

A look into the Virgo Full Moon February 2021

- Jenn Royster

Angel insights on the February 2021 full moon in Virgo. After all the life changes we’ve been through over the past year. The intense revelations that January and most of February brought to us. The Virgo full moon brings a soothing peaceful energy that soothes the soul.

Full moons are about releasing the old to make way for the new. This energy helps us gently release old energy, find our center, and freedom to take the next steps.

The insights we gained over the past couple of months are now ready to process. A refreshing and most welcomed energy to find balance, clarify our intentions and manifest a new way of life. The universe has provided us with everything we need to prepare for a new cycle.

Explore the concepts of law of attraction and learn how to create an abundant lifestyle.

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Angel Insights: Aquarius New Moon February 2021

Angel Insights: Aquarius New Moon Feb 2021

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I choose to focus on what I DO want in gratitude. - Jenn Royster

Angel insights on Aquarius New moon draw our attention to what we choose to focus on. This new moon activates the Aquarius stellium. A highly charged energy that expands where we choose to focus our intentions. This is manifesting energy amplified. Law of attraction intensified.

A new moon is always about new beginnings. This one arrives with an extra boost. What will you choose to focus on? 

Time to get organized and manifest what we DO want. Are you new to the concepts of Law of Attraction? Now’s a good time to start learning the value it can bring to your life.

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