Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Time to Soar: Archangel Michael Guidance

Time to soar is proving to be the theme for year 2018. The energy continues to support the changes we seek. Archangel Michael’s guidance is a refreshing welcome to help us achieve our goals this year. His encouragement and energy comes through like a personal trainer to inspire us to bring it. 
In the Jan 18th broadcast I shared insights and a 3 step plan. Thank you archangel Michael for reminding me of this tool. This brings motivation and action to make changes. 

Here’s the breakdown:
note: I explain in detail how to use the plan and how it works in the video. 

  • Think back to where is all began. How, why, when, where and the emotions attached. 
  • Make the decision to change now in your present day and begin focusing on how you want your life to be. 
  • Visualize a time in your future where you are living fully in this new way of life.


Together, the 3 step plan and the 11 master number energy will support you to launch your ideas into fruition through the entir...

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How to Manifest Heart Centered Abundance: Working with Archangel Raziel

How to Manifest Heart Centered Abundance

Working with Archangel Raziel

- by Jenn Royster

January is proving to be quite the energy filled month. Interesting synchronicities and manifesting is afoot. The possibilities are unlimited and just what we needed to get things rolling for what's to come. 

This is what we’ve all been waiting for. A refreshing burst of high frequency energy for manifesting. Archangel Raziel motivates and sparks curiosity to create a heart centered plan that works.

January begins a year filled with manifesting opportunity. The perfect time to begin your new and improved lifestyle. Archangel Raziel can help you organize a plan of action to align with heart centered abundance.

Remember that saying…

Home is where the heart is.  A grateful heart sees many blessings. 

Feeling blessed to deliver this live broadcast on an powerful 11111 energy date! (aka. 01.11.2018)  

Did you know... when you add 2018 (2+0+1+8=11) According to numerology we are in a master...

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Angel Insights for New Year 2018

Angel Insights for New Year 2018

- by Jenn Royster

Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart! We've been through the ringer with 2017. Good news is that this year is all about new beginnings. 

In numerology, this year is a master number 11. Meaning it's seriously about to get real on manifesting brand new realities. If you're seeing the numbers 1111 or 111 or 11 or 1010 etc.. or any combination repeatedly. Take note, these numbers are all about change, manifesting and keeping your thoughts positive as much as possible. 

This year brings opportunity to really change the way we live and what we experience. That means all that we've been hearing on focusing our thoughts and intentions positively on what we want, is now taking a front and center priority. 

We took a peek on the Jan 04th broadcast into the New Year with angel insights and guidance for each month of 2018, beginning with Jan all the way to Dec. (Watch full episode below.) 

Video Note: We were broadcasting during a ma...

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Archangel Michael: The Great Turning Point

Archangel Michael

The Great Turning Point

- by Jenn Royster

December Solstice is here. This is the great turning point that helps us focus on what we want to manifest in the coming new year 2018. This also sheds light on your soul purpose and what you truly want to manifest. 

Archangel Michael comes through this week for Thursday Dec 21st live broadcast to share insight and inspiration on aligning with our life purpose. He is the go-to angel for life directions and redirection. 

​​​​​There is much in the way of a waking up for all of us happening. We are turning the corner and will begin to see what's around the bend. 

The December solstice prepares us for the New year by pulling us inward for answers. For many this time of year brings sadness, and the December solstice has been referred to at times as the Dark Night of the Soul. 

Archangel Michael brings Light to this moment and shows us the way to creating a better life. When we see through our challenges (or dark times) as li...

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Angel Messages: Our Sacral Chakra is Waking Up

Angel Messages:

Our Sacral Chakra is Waking Up

- by Jenn Royster

I've had quite the insightful week and much has come through to share with you. It's quite the lineup of messages I received from Archangel Zadkiel and Gabriel regarding what we are all feeling out there. 

Our Sacral Chakra (second chakra) is going through a major upgrade (or wake up). I've been quite fascinated by how all the information was coming together. The validations, the confirmations, the angel messages, etc... that the Divine was completely there for us in every way. 

The Sacral Chakra (Second Chakra) is all about processing the energies of our emotions, creativity and sensuality. It’s also associated with the element of water. December energies are activating the sacral chakra for it’s time to get busy manifesting into the New Year 2018.

I shared the messages I received from Archangels Gabriel and Zadkiel on the current wake up call happening within our sacral chakra on the December 14th live broadcast. ...

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How to Use Fire Element: Manifesting Your Dreams with Archangel Raziel

How to Use Fire Element

Manifesting Your Dreams with Archangel Raziel

- by Jenn Royster

This is one of busiest times of year and of course the universal energies are not easing up on us for a minute. But, that's ok because these energies are waking us up to our fullest potential and reality. 

One of my favorite visualization meditations to do is imagining a world that no longer hurts. It makes me feel better and I am sending out with intention, Love into a world that needs more Love!

Keeping intention in mind, we're moving right along with this massive shift a New Year 2018 with everything we need to make it all happen. INTENTION to create a new and better world for myself and others is on the top of my priority list. 

I asked the angels for insight and what message they wanted me to share this week with you. Guess who came through, and perfect timing for what we need right now, Archangel Raziel. The angel that is known as the keeper of God's secrets and the one that can help wit...

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The Meaning of 1111: Explore the Possibilities

The Meaning of 1111

Explore the Possibilities

-by Jenn Royster

Ready to explore the possibilities? The energy of November is all about seeing everything with fresh new eyes. That is, if we're willing to open them. The month has a theme of 1111 energy running through it as well.

It’s bountiful in every way. November is a powerhouse month of 1111 energy and then some. Big changes are here and our spirit awakens with fresh new eyes. But, what if, we’re afraid to open our eyes and see? This month is loaded with possibilities, but, we do have to choose to accept them. 

I called on Archangel Michael for insights into the month of November and what it holds for all of us. There is bountiful energy flowing in, but we need to choose to accept it into our experience. I shared this and much more about the energy, the possibilities and the bigger picture in the Nov 09, 2017 live broadcast . (Watch the full episode archive below.)

AA Michael guides us to explore the possibilities and examin...

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AA Raziel: Time to Make Your Intentions Manifest

AA Raziel: Time to Make Your Intentions Manifest

-by Jenn Royster

Time to make your positive intentions count. Archangel Raziel can show you how. We've really been feeling the energy ramping up around here as we approach the full moon lunar eclipse August 7, 2017 and then the total solar eclipse new moon in Leo on August 21, 2017.

So much happening so fast these days. This is a potent building of energy for great changes over the next few weeks. You want to make them count and make time to choose positive intentions and put them out there to the universe. 

I've been putting my intention on things I love and want more of these days. Making sure to rest and take time to say thank you universe with appreciation.

Remembering to makes choices from my heart instead of my mind has been a breath of fresh air. This really helps ease me through this rapid potent energy these days.

Why? Because I know my Higher Self makes choices with my heart. This brings me peace knowing I am aligned in D...

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The Meaning of Angel Number 1010

The Meaning of Angel Number 1010

-by Jenn Royster

The angel numbers 1010 have been showing up quite frequently around here. Are you seeing angel numbers 1010 or another repetitive number sequence?

Yes, this is the same binary code we see related to computers, but I am speaking of the spiritual meaning, specifically angelic number meaning in messages they send to us.

The angel numbers 1010 are interesting. In a nutshell, here's a summary of the meaning:

Number one means new beginnings, a fresh start, achievement, optimism, insight, intuition and manifesting linked to our ideas and actions. This is doubled so that means double the power.

Number zero means Divine energy, unity, timelessness and to continue on. When the zero accompanies any number, it increases the power of that number so in this case it's behind the number one doubled! Whoa talk about powerful positive new beginnings.

Angel Number 1010 means that by listening to your inner voice and feelings, you will achieve your ...

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Archangel Raziel: Write Your New Life Story

Archangel Raziel: Write Your New Life Story

- by Jenn Royster

What a couple of weeks of change we've had! Now it feels as though we're clearing out the dark corners of our deep seeded issues with this recent full moon from June 09th. 

​​​​​​​Archangel Raziel has been knocking on my spiritual door recently and yes that means it's time to learn something new. I smile when he comes around and then at the same time, I sigh. Why? because I know it will take proactive effort to fully dig in and learn his teachings.

But it's always worth it. I did a reading /meditation this past week with AA Raziel specifically to ask:

1. How may I contribute and share Archangel Raziel's message with you?

2. How can we make the most of the current energies? 

I shared the insights I've received from AA Raziel on the July 13, 2017 live broadcast. (watch the full video archive below). He specifically shared insights regarding manifesting and how we are currently writing (or let's say rewriting) our li...

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