Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Angel Messages: Aquarius Full Moon

Angel Messages: Aquarius Full Moon 

- by Jenn Royster

Aquarius teaches us how to carry the water, not the burden of it. 

In this episode, the angels brings messages on the Aquarius Full moon that arrives on August 15 2019. Aquarius is known as the water bearer. The healer that carries the burdens, the emotions and the pain in the world without being weighed down by it all.

How is this possible? Can we truly be a beacon of Love and Light in the world without the overwhelm and emotional drain?

This full moon in Aquarius sheds light on how to send love and hope into this world while simultaneously raising our own vibration to Higher Consciousness. 

Watch the full episode below

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Energy Healing with Archangel Raphael

angels energy healing video Jul 19, 2019

Energy Healing with Archangel Raphael

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Raphael name means “God has healed” and is a powerful healing angel for people and animals. Also known as the physician of heaven or healer.

In this episode, we’ll explore Raphael’s gentle, loving approach and how this angel can help you with physical, emotional and spiritual healing. How you can connect with Archangel Raphael for energy healing guidance.

Watch the full episode below.

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Who is Archangel Zadkiel?

Who is Archangel Zadkiel?

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Zadkiel has an uplifting vibration that will help you clear and uplift your own vibration. A wonderful angel to work with when aligning with our truth. Freedom flows when we live our Truth.
Negative vibrations are transmuted to positive. This opens the floodgates of love and joy and we are able to experience more of both in our lives.

Archangel Zadkiel's name means Righteousness of God. He's known for helping us with forgiveness and being true to ourselves and accepting all that we are. 

He can help you with your connection to the Divine and understand that you are truly unique yet part of the oneness of all. Joy flows where Love resides. Forgiveness is an act of Love and helps you release painful negative emotions. 

Zadkiel can help you open up your awareness to the fact that you truly have all the power you need within you. Strengthening your inner power to free yourself from lower negative energies is empowering beyond anythi...

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Angel Guidance: Balancing Emotions and Life Choices

Angel Guidance: Balancing Emotions and Life Choices

 - by Jenn Royster

In this episode,  we called on the angels for guidance on how to balance emotions and making life choices. We are in a season of Cancer eclipses that stir the emotions for change.

We also entered the season of Aquarius.. All this unites to assist us as we make life choices. Aquarius is the 11th zodiac sign is known as the water bearer  and brings cleansing to earth. Washing away the pain that earth has absorbed. 

When we work with Aquarius energy as our emotions rise to the surface, we set up a perfect combination for cleansing away toxic emotional energy we need to release.

The season of Cancer eclipses is just starting.  Eclipses magnify lunar energies. Cancer is a water sign and is associated with emotions. So you see, the universe does support us as we ascend on our journey. 

The more we release the old energies that weigh us down and block our efforts, the higher we raise our frequency toward a 5th dimens...

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3 Level Energy Detox: Full Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

3 Level Energy Detox:

Full Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

- by Jenn Royster

The upcoming super full moon total lunar eclipse arrives on Jan 20-21. This potent energy lineup will bring forward all that needs to detoxify in our lives.

We explored angel insights, what this full moon lunar eclipse energy brings to all of us and did a few readings with the audience in the Jan 10, 2019 episode posted below. 

Mind, body and soul are called to clean it up and clear it out.

All 3 levels are called to action. Did you know according to numerology 2019 is a Number 3 life path year? A number 3 year... 3 level energy detox... it's all making sense now. 

Much will rise to the surface for healing. This can test our patience when we do heavy energy lifting. The angels bring optimism and inspiration to help us clean house on all 3 levels.

This is a most opportune time for energy healing to set us on the best possible course for the rest of the year. 

The Jenn Royster Show airs Live weekly...

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111111 Angel Guidance for November 2018

111111 Angel Guidance

A Powerful Alignment for Spiritual Awakening Arrives

-by Jenn Royster

Positive energy on the way! Be sure to save the date and mark your calendars. 

November 2018 in numerology has a unique date. 11.11.11 That's a triple eleven energy vibration. The year 2018 is an eleven year. (2+0+1+8=11). This energy brings spiritual awakening to the front of the line. If you are working on your intuitive skills and connection to spirit, this too shall be easier. 

No need to fear, we have a positive energy vibration heading our way Nov 8th. As Venus retrograde finalizes her work, a mercury retrograde begins on Nov 16th. 

Although November is a shifting month of retrogrades, the positive energy flowing in will bring ease and support to us all. Archangels Jophiel and Raphael bring insights for this month that I share in this episode. 


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Archangel Raguel: Balance Your Heart Chakra

Archangel Raguel

Balance Your Heart Chakra

- by Jenn Royster

Explore how to heal your heart chakra with the help of archangel Raguel. This angel's name means friend of God.

Raguel's primary focus is balance, harmony and fairness for all. This angel is also wonderful to work with when it comes to personal life balance. 

There's also the emotional overload that can happen when we are going through a spiritual awakening or major life changes. Especially in our relationships. Some may be challenged to make changes. This is all processed through our heart chakra. 

The month of October is puling all of this to the surface for healing and taking it to a new level consciousness. Venus retrograde is especially tugging at the heart strings to reveal where we are missing out on a joyful life. 

Archangel Raguel can help you find balance, along with Archangel Chamuel who brings the peaceful calm.(we discussed Chamuel in last week's episode). We have support for for working with the current o...

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Archangel Metatron: Heal Your Energy

Archangel Metatron: Heal Your Energy

A special healing and cleansing meditation is part of this episode.

 - by Jenn Royster

Archangel Metatron is a powerful angel to call on when you need to clear and heal your energy. Your chakras work constantly processing all the energy you absorb.
When major energetic shifts occur, Archangel Metatron can assist your spiritual awakening. He can help you adjust to your new ascension frequency.

We explored the power, clearing and healing your energy with Archangel Metatron in the Aug 16, 2018 broadcast. (watch full episode below in this post) 

In the first half of this episode we discuss the following:

  • The healing power of Metatron’s cube.
  • Your light body ascension vehicle known as the Merkaba. 
  • What you could experience with this meditation.
  • Preparation for the meditation.

We joined together in a healing and clearing meditation with the help of this beautiful angel and his light tool the Metatron Cube. We spent approx. 24 minutes in th...

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Spiritual Awakening and Soul Messages: Are You Listening?

Spiritual Awakening and Soul Messages

Are You Listening?

- by Jenn Royster

Spiritual awakening and the numerous experiences that go along with it can feel like a mixed bag of everything. Spiritual awakening symptoms have been on the rise as our soul begins to nudge it's way to the front of the line to be heard!

We focused a full hour on the July 19th live broadcast to address these questions (watch full episode posted below). When we feel physical symptoms and nothing is medically wrong, it could be your soul trying to send you a message

We can hold emotions and old issues that need clearing in our tissue throughout our entire body. I discovered this quite well when I was a full time neuromuscular therapist (NMT).

My clients presented with physical pain and it was my job to give them a natural alternative to stress and pain management. I quickly discovered energy was releasing as I worked on the physical body. It was a true training ground for what I do today.  

From my 8 year...

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Tips and How to's: Spiritual Awakening Signs and Ascension Symptoms


Tips and How to's: Spiritual Awakening Signs and Ascension Symptoms

Ease Gracefully into this Extraordinary Experience

- by Jenn Royster

The spiritual awakening experience is unique to everyone. In the April 19th live broadcast I shared how to recognize the signs, tips on how to ease the symptoms and  move gracefully through this event. It feels so personal yet it's happening all over the globe as many more begin to open their eyes. 

It's really an energy healing experience on a much larger scale. Energy healing where we take responsibility for our own healing. We are the healer of our lives. An empowering event that changes our lives for the better. 

I love the old saying:

We are human beings, not human doings.  

When we accept the path to spiritual awakening, we begin the journey of learning a new way of BEING a better human everyday. Why? Because at the core of who we truly are is a spiritual being living in a physical human reality. 

When spiritual awakening begins to take...

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