Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Angel Insights Leo New Moon and August 2022 Energies


Angel Insights Leo New Moon

August 2022 Energies

- Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I set my intention to believe in my heart’s true passion. I AM filled with gratitude and take action to receive the blessings I deserve.

In this episode, we ask the angels for insights into the Leo New Moon and August 2022 energies. The new moon arrives July 28th and carries the energies of abundance, creativity and joy. Perfect timing for setting your intentions on what, where and how you want to be moving forward. This is all about heart centered intentions.

On August 1st, powerful energy arrives in the first week of August. The North Node, Mars and Uranus align. A fiery energy that brings about awakenings and change. On August 8th, we have the Lions Gate 88 portal for manifesting and our 3rd and final super full moon arrives on August 11th.

  • Do you believe in yourself?
  • Your dreams?
  • Your heart’s true passion?
  • Did you know that when you believe in yourself, you are creating an unstoppable intent
  • ...
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Angel Insights: Leo Season 2022 Forecast


Angel Insights: Leo Season 2022 Forecast

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I embrace my inner courage to claim my truth and align with my heart’s true passion.

Angel insights bring support, comfort and encouragement whenever we ask. In this episode, we’ll call on the angels for their insights into the Leo season 2022 forecast for each sign which begins July 22 and ends August 22.

Leo energy brings fearless energy to step up and shine your truth. A boost of energy also highlights success and confidence to be YOU! Leo energy doesn’t spend energy being anything other that its truest nature. Leading from the heart we find our joy in simplicity. To simply be who we are meant to be and nothing else.

Leo season also brings our attention to the Uranus North Node conjunction, Lions Gate 88 Portal and the final of three Super Full Moons.


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Angel Insights: July 2022 Super Moon and Chiron Retrograde


Angel Insights for July 2022

Super Moon and Chiron Retrograde

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I allow Divine Light to enter my being to awaken my strengths, power and potential in all ways. - Jenn Royster

In this episode we explore angel insights for July 2022 energies. The super full moon and Chiron retrograde offer up opportunity for deeper healing. 

The Capricorn Super Full moon that arrived July 13th reminds us to take responsibility for the direction we take in our lives.

Tip: Moon energy can be felt up to one week prior to peak and one week afterwords.

This moon energy wakes us up to make adjustments if needed.

  • What’s not working?
  • Are we spending our time and energy on what fulfills us?

This prepares us for when Chiron goes retrograde on July 19th. Chiron is known as the wounded healer. This energy will stay with us until Dec 23rd. This retrograde can help us learn how to find our strength, wisdom, power and potential through our deeper wounds.

The angels su...

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Archangel Gabriel: Energy Forecast Cancer Season 2022


Archangel Gabriel: Energy Forecast Cancer Season 2022

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation:  I AM compassionate and acknowledge all my emotions. I open my heart to healing in every way.

Archangel Gabriel is the angel that oversees Cancer season. Gabriel’s name means “strength of God.” We can call on Archangel Gabriel when sympathy and sensitivity are needed to balance our emotions.

In astrology, the energy forecast for Cancer season 2022 highlights heart chakra energies. Compassion and heartfelt efforts help us connect with higher vibrations for healing that may open the door for spiritual awakenings. We’ll explore the energy forecast for all zodiac signs.

For some, you may experience your first spiritual awakening and for others it could be a spiritual leveling up. Either way, there’s opportunity here to work with Archangel Gabriel and high vibrational healing.

 I AM compassionate and acknowledge all my emotions. I open my heart to healing in every way.

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Angel Insights: June 2022 Energy Forecast

angel insights astrology Jun 02, 2022

Angel Insights June 2022 Energy Forecast

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I am healing and grow stronger everyday. I deserve to rest, restore and have fun.

In this episode, we ask the angels for insights into the month of June 2022. The energy forecast in astrology shows several noteworthy alignments including Mercury goes direct and a Sagittarius super full moon. We’ll ask the angels about these and several other highlights. 

I also shared a few mini painted angel readings with the live audience in this episode. I keep it simple, nothing fancy here. I simply paint the energy, colors, etc while sharing the message. I always find the readings bring much more to share when I paint them! 

Tip: Painted angel readings begin at video marker 27:10

We’ve been through a couple of months of soul diving for deeper growth recently. June 2022 gives us lighter energy to take a break, rest and have a little fun.

We’re given the opportunity to build stronger connections with others and ...

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Angel Insights: Scorpio Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse May 2022


Angel Insights: Scorpio Blood Moon

Total Lunar Eclipse May 2022

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I align my focus and intention for closure of what no longer serves and rise up to embrace a new chapter that reflects my true self.

In this episode, we call on the angels for insights into the May 2022 Scorpio Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. A rare, yet potent time for closing a chapter in our lives and leveling up on our soul journey.

Full moons are always about closure and releasing what no longer serves us. This is a soul journey growth event. Eclipses magnify this energy and a blood full moon lunar eclipse takes the energy to new heights.

Scorpio takes us deeper for transformation to close old chapters and rise up, marking the beginning of a new chapter. The blood full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio brings a highly sensitive and physic time. You may feel this blood moon eclipse physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. Pay attention to your intuition, the ah ha moments and sp...

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Angels of Abundance: Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse


Angels of Abundance

Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I AM ready to receive opportunities, love and abundance the universe sends my way.

In this episode we ask the angels of abundance for insights into the Taurus new moon solar eclipse. There’s a window of opportunity opening for everyone in one way or another. Abundance comes in many forms and the angels of abundance offer their support to tap into this offer and receive!

New moons are about new beginnings, and solar eclipses magnify the energies present and always fall on new moons. Our first solar eclipse of 2022 arrives on April 30th and carries the theme of opportunities.

Is there something you want to achieve? Here’s your open invitation from the universe to connect with your heart’s desire. 

In the second half of this episode, Jenn paints intuitive readings for the live audience. Watch the full episode attached to this post. 


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Archangel Michael: April 2022 Libra Full Moon


Archangel Michael

April 2022 Libra Full Moon

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I choose to let go of tension and fill my life with harmony.

In this episode, we’ll call on Archangel Michael for insights on the Libra full moon arriving April 16-17, 2022. AA Michael supports us when it’s time to cut ties, find closure and move on.

The Libra full moon highlights what’s been building the tension in our lives. What needs to give in order to find harmony? If you’ve been feeling tension building in the past week leading up to this full moon, there’s good reason to pay attention.

This energy shows us what needs to give to open the gateway to harmony. Archangel Michael is there to help us ease this tension and let it go. All we have to do is ask.

Whatever is highlighted in your own life, keep the focus on finding harmony and letting go of what may be causing discord. Overall, this moon offers us a deeper healing opportunity.


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Angel Insights: Aires New Moon Offers a Fresh New Start


Angel Insights on Aires New Moon

The Universe Offers a Fresh New Start

- Jenn Royster

In this episode, we ask the angels for insights on the Aries New Moon arriving March 31- April 1, 2022. One of the best opportunities to begin a new chapter in our lives with a fresh new start. Setting your intentions for what you want to manifest is favored. In other words, a new beginning with a clean slate is offered.

This is a great time to ask yourself, what do I want to start? What direction do I want to take? What seeds do I want to plant for my future? This New Moon is all about setting intentions, taking action and manifesting a new path for what you want to bring into your life.

Chiron is also showing a strong presence under this moon. Known as the wounded healer helps us find strength and wisdom within our deeper wounds which opens doorways for healing.


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Angel Insights Virgo Full Moon Self Worth Verses Perfectionism


Angel Insights on Virgo Full Moon

Self Worth Verses Perfectionism

Affirmation: I look at myself through compassionate eyes. I know myself. I value my boundaries. I honor both.

In this episode, we call on the angels of self worth for their insights on the Virgo full moon arriving March 18 2022. The energy highlights our self worth and empowerment over perfectionism.

Neptune’s energy (the planet of spiritual awakening) is also present under this full moon. This combination makes it easier to explore where a possible perfectionism interference is present in ourselves.

Perfectionism drives us to seek other’s approval, where Self worth is about seeking personal growth.

Under the Virgo full moon and Neptune energies, we are asked to seek out where perfectionism hides within us and release hindering beliefs that hold us back from our greatest potential.

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