Your Intuition is Your Super Power for Healing

Affirmation: I trust my intuition completely, and so it is...


Your Intuition is Your Super Power for Healing

Scorpio Super Full Moon Arrives Apr 26-27

- by Jenn Royster

Your intuition is your super power. This is the gold nugget you are looking for when making choices. Our intuition is truly an inner gift of insight that knows what is best for you.

On April 26-27 we have a Super Full Moon in Scorpio. This moon urges us to naturally release what no longer serves. It also draws out our sensitivities and we easily pick up energies around us.

This is where the magic happens. A heightened intuition will clarify your inner voice. You’ll see clearly what to release and it will be easier to let it all go and move on.

This is a good time for energy clearing and healing to remove negative and stagnant energies that weight you down.

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