- by Jenn Royster
Mastering our energy during this retrograde April 2017 month is no joke. Keeping us busy with several retrogrades over lapping. We took a look into all of these energies on the April 13, 2017 broadcast. (video archive posted in this article)
We're now on the other side of the April 11th full moon that was full of energy and taking us to core issues within.
So many retrogrades at one time can leave you feeling a bit overloaded with reviewing everything as it comes up constantly. I'll go into each one of these in the broadcast and how this is actually a very positive time for healing if we're willing to go the distance.
This month is preparing us for great things to come if we apply ourselves to do the inner work and clean out the closet! We need room for all the NEW waiting to come into our lives. the month of May is when we'll start to see a bit of a turn in this direction.
Your hard work is not a waste of time and energy. On the contrary, this is one of the most auspicious times for major renewal on all levels.
Don't be fooled by the feeling of rewind, review, repeat and pause in your life as nothingness. It's quite powerful in clarifying where you are in the scheme of things. Where you want to be and how to get there!