Angel Insights: Pisces Full Moon September 2022


Angel Insights: Pisces Full Moon September 2022

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I trust my intuition to show me the way. I go with the flow as I listen to my inner voice.

In this episode, we ask the angels for insights into the Pisces full moon arriving September 10, 2022. We are never alone with angels nearby. We only need ask the angels and set our intention for their assistance. 

Video Markers

  •    1:03 - Insights on the Pisces Full Moon
  •  37:05 - Start of readings with the LIVE audience - Jenn uses digital painting to show    visual colors and strokes as she delivers the messages she receives. 

Pisces is the last zodiac in astrology and represents wrapping up whatever final chapter you’ve been working on before moving into a new cycle. September’s full moon rolls in a day after Mercury retrograde begins. This combination together has a magnetic pull inward to reflect and listen to our inner voice.

This can feel a bit foggy, but strives to take us inward and trust what we feel verses what we see in our outer world. There’s an unexplainable current of energy encouraging us to trust our intuition.

There is an opportunity to explore unknown territory within ourselves that will hold answers we seek. The clarity will come later if we would just trust ourselves and go with the flow of where the current takes us. 
